Hi, I am Theresa Lewis.

Green Mountain, NC is where I call home. I wasn't lucky enough to be born here but thanks to The Hubs, I plan on making this area my forever and ever home. I am a wife, a mother, and Posey and Mammy to my gorgeous, funny and smart grandchildren. The Hubs and I are currently owned by our sweet puppies, an indifferent cat and an odd collection of chickens. ( Yes, you read that correctly.) I love early mornings, my big dogs with bigger personalities and my crazy chickens. I am addicted to sweet tea, pizza, cheese of every kind and technology. (Don't judge. We all have things that we'd hate to see leave this world.)

A single portrait can tell so much about who we are and how we love.

Photography for me is a passion. I believe that every face has a story to tell and that a single photo can speak volumes. I believe that beauty is not the standard found in glossy page magazines but rather, it is found in unconventional places. Beauty is found in the details and in the connection. Beauty doesn't have an ideal shape or weight or height. I strive to photograph each person as the best version of themselves; the version seen, loved and admired by many but rarely seen by the mirrored self. I strive to capture true beauty, however unconventional it may be according to the glossy page magazines.

A portrait tells a story for future generations.

I believe great photographs involve collaboration between the photographer and the subject. I get so excited planning session details! I want to get to know you so that I know how best to personalize your session. Part of the getting to know you process is figuring out how you want to present the art that represents you. For example, if you have a space in your home that you want to fill with portraits then I want to know if you want one extra-large image to dominate the space or break it up with multiple smaller images. Your portraits should be a reflection of your life, your family, your love, and your passion. These portraits should be present in your life in such a way that they tell your story for future generations.